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Does Professional Content Help Sell, Rent Or Book Properties Faster?

Updated: Mar 21

The Impact of Professional Content on  Property Transactions

In the dynamic world of the property industry, the importance of professional content in expediting property transactions cannot be overstated. This blog post explores the significance of professional content, supported by studies and data specific to the UK market that underscore its undeniable influence on selling, renting, or booking properties faster.

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The Power of Visuals

Studies consistently reveal that properties featuring high-quality visuals receive more attention and tend to sell faster. According to a study by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), professional photos play a crucial role in attracting potential clients and expediting transactions.

First Impressions Count

Potential buyers, renters, or guests often form their first impressions of a property through online platforms. Research published in the UK Journal of Real Estate indicates that properties with professional photographs are perceived as more valuable, reliable, and trustworthy in the context of the industry.

The Impact of Professional Videos

The use of professional videos in property listings has become a game-changer. A study conducted by property platforms, such as Zoopla and Rightmove, found that rental listings with video content receive, on average, 400% more inquiries than those without.

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Floor Plans and Beyond 

Professional content isn't limited to visuals. Including detailed floor plans enhances the overall experience for potential buyers or tenants. Rightmove's study specific to the UK revealed that listings with floor plans received 30% more interest.

Differentiating from Unprofessional Content 

A survey property website Zoopla found that listings with amateur photos not only spend more time on the market but also tend to sell for less in the UK. In a competitive UK market, where trust and credibility are paramount, investing in professional content is a strategic move that can yield significant returns.

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Conclusion: Investing in Success 

In conclusion, the evidence is clear: professional content significantly impacts the speed at which properties sell, rent, or get booked. From attracting initial attention to fostering a positive perception of a property, the influence of high-quality visuals cannot be overstated. In a world where online platforms dominate property searches, standing out with professional content is not just an option but a necessity for successful transactions.

Remember, the investment in professional content is not just an expense; it's a strategic move that pays off by accelerating property transactions and maximising the value of your property assets.

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